Monday, February 23, 2009

From Here to There

Chris Martenson continues to be a lonely, paranoid voice in the wilderness going on about something resembling sense but just a touch too removed:

Those who spend their lives watching the Idiot Box do not need the Newspeak Dictionary. Their vocabularies are automatically attenuated. They are ready to believe that government officials can save them. For example, they think the president can fix the country's problems. He has the brains to accomplish miracles: to deliver us from penury through government spending. Meanwhile, the country leaps from the frying pan of deflation into the inflationary fire. It is called "a stimulus package." It is the biggest white elephant ever sold, at the dearest price. If it doesn't work, we'll do it again, and again, as many times as it takes - or until the currency collapses. A stupefied country listens in suspense to those fateful words: "We are from the government, and we are here to help." Euphemism is the native language of every bureaucrat. For them, loot is "revenue." Waste is "progressive." Propping failed industries is "a good investment." Stopping a market correction is "saving the economy." Every event is an excuse to spend money. If the economy is flush, spend money. If the economy is contracting, spend money. Do you want more golden eggs? Cook the goose that lays them. Everything is going to be okay!

Thanks, we'll take that into consideration Chris.

It's funny how you can always tell who is beyond the fringe. Their sentences are short, fragmented, impassioned, and often packed with a great deal of cynicism. I'm also impressed at the way people like Mr. Martenson and others manage to squeeze all their favourite talking points into every observation. For a while that was the Dire Wolf's goal: to take any subject whatsoever and take it to new disturbing places.

As an example let's discuss the injustice of Avram Grant's firing last year. Taking the paranoid tact it would run like this:

Firing Avram Grant was so unjust! He took that team to within a point of the Premiership Title and a penalty kick of the Champions League. It's ridiculous! Yet nobody seems to complain. That just goes to show the stupefying effect of television eh? It disrupts our critical thinking until we accept whatever the well coiffured man is saying as gospel truth. And do you think anybody cares? Do you think anybody could do anything to stop it? You think you can regulate thought into existence? If anything the Government loves it. They fucking love it. The people just sit back and swallow their lies. It's not even passive. People are like Oliver Twist. The meager gruel of failure and untruth sold to us everyday by elected officials doesn't sustain our capacity for delusion! We have to say, "Please Sir can I have some more?"
Don't even get me started on Paul Krugman!
The press is always ignoring the real story. Especially in the west. Journalism has become a universal magnet for people to trumpet their half baked pinko ideals. Every morning acres of rainforest are cut down so some new J-school hack can drown me in sanctimony. Can anybody actually read the Guardian without experiencing a sense of nausea?
Why take an honourable stand and fight for the rights of Avram Grant when you could demonize Joe McCarthy? Why point out that Avram Grant is a damn fine manager when you could write an op-ed about Sean Penn's "bravery"? It baffles me. It just baffles me.


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