The Fulcrum
I met a wall street cynic who sang the blues and I asked him for some happy news but he just smiled and turned away.
This Nick Paumgarten fellow makes some interesting points. He likes to shake things up. He's a bit like Dirty Harry or Bullit. He knows all the right people. He gets results.
He also uncovers two men who have chosen to see clearly. Their names escape me at the moment, but they hit all the right points: Mad Max, Fall of Rome, The Dissolution of the European Union, The Merits of Canned Food, and Hyper Inflation.
Best of all ex-soviet Mikhailovich points his finger squarely at the worst of them, the ratings agencies. He says, "They were the ultimate fulcrum, the enablers." How apt.
This Nick Paumgarten fellow makes some interesting points. He likes to shake things up. He's a bit like Dirty Harry or Bullit. He knows all the right people. He gets results.
He also uncovers two men who have chosen to see clearly. Their names escape me at the moment, but they hit all the right points: Mad Max, Fall of Rome, The Dissolution of the European Union, The Merits of Canned Food, and Hyper Inflation.
Best of all ex-soviet Mikhailovich points his finger squarely at the worst of them, the ratings agencies. He says, "They were the ultimate fulcrum, the enablers." How apt.