
Thursday, May 7, 2009

4500 Hundred Ways to Leave Your Senses.

Following the age old and horrifying economic commandment that printing billions and billions of dollars never solves anything the footsie has rallied to 4500. That's up a thousand points from recent lows. Pretty good! Even better when you consider that it has rallied on the news that more people than ever before are losing their jobs, their pensions, their shirts, their watches, their savings etc. etc. with no end in sight.

Yet, soft, what is that? That menacing sound in the distance? I tell you it is the raging gorilla of despair in the antique Bond shop; smashing age old promises between nations and corporations.

You may quote the ten year note for Gilts at 3.71 but their is no quote for the collective Guilt responsible for leading us down the path of financial ruin.